Sunday, June 5, 2011

How to get more out of your LinkedIn Network- Like it or Not

Here’s a news flash… Your network is only as valuable as the actions you and your connections take to create that value.

Most all of us on LinkedIn are professionals with degrees, jobs and still-developing-careers, but really grasping how to develop and leverage those networks remains more than a bit of a mystery. Here’s my shot at shedding some light on the subject for anyone that’s interested.

For me personally, I have over 2,000 fantastic and highly accomplished people in my network- quite likely that you are one of them. I’m lucky, because my career as a recruiter from IBM to HP to now Cisco has allowed me to be toward the cutting edge of the social media evolution. 

I see some opportunities that may be worth pursuing as you think about your career development strategies.

Be Involved | Get into the Conversation

Effective Networking- even on LinkedIn where we’re all professionals is still has a very social element.

Networking is not about watching your contacts work for you, it’s about sharing knowledge, ideas and interests, across your network. When you make small contributions, each has a ripple effect that goes out to your network at large and then most importantly allows your network to do the same. 

When you activate your network the broadcast grows exponentially and that message becomes amplified.   The more contributions to the conversation we make, the greater the opportunity for a wider the reach and amplification.

If your network isn’t working as well as you’d like, take the opportunity to step in and begin to lead your network in activity and involvement.  (personally, I recommend linking them to this blog-thank you) 

Here are a few ways to get started and what’s going on when you do.

‘Like’ things | Oh, GO FOR IT!

Say for instance you’re connected to a really classy recruiter that posts job announcements or shares something you find interesting or valuable every once in a while. It doesn't have to be love, it can just be Like... even 'Like' with a little 'l'.  it can just be 'Like' for appreciating and encouraging more sharing.

We’re trained to look at things only in terms of fit for ourselves, but when you think about a Job Announcement, think in terms of ‘career opportunities’ for other people in your network and becoming someone that ads value… think in terms of sharing visibility of something that you or your network will find of value, not for you and your career, but for your network.

When you ‘like’ an update, that tiny bit of information shares as an update across your network of contacts and thus brings an opportunity one step closer to the right audience.  A comment can make an even deeper impact (more on that in a moment). Your involvement, even as small as a ‘like’ holds the power of amplification across not only your network, but of countless others. The impact will surprise you.

Why do People Whig Out about Like? | There's High Value in this Simple Click

Your entire network values your contribution. Watch the number of views to your profile go up as you start ‘liking’ updates. The feedback reinforces the types of updates you like-to-see from your network and instantly brands you as someone of value within your network.

Those Classy Recruiters will almost always check out your profile with ‘the best’ reaching out personally to make contact and start a conversation.  Keep the conversation active; small contributions go a very long way in this day and age of technology and interconnectedness. Keep an eye out as the communication continues to evolve.

Your contacts will find value and that value increases if they catch on to how to improve the quality and reach of their network as well.

(If you’re like most adults and still wondering about Twitter, this should shed some light on how quickly information can move and how far it can reach and how quickly a message can amplify.)

Comment on Interesting Topics | Why Do People Whig Out about Commenting?

You should comment on things that interest you.  Even if it’s not a job announcement from a Classy Recruiter, there are tons of great articles shared and when you start sharing, your contacts understand better the context of your background and interests. 

This does nothing but improve your personal brand and begins to cement your name in the consciousness of your contacts as a potential expert in their field. Who doesn’t want valuable contacts that know you as a SME?

You brand yourself as different than the rest, standing out in the crowd while showing off your common ground.

Make a Great Point | Score Big Points

A well-articulated comment demonstrates excellent communication skills as well as expertise. It’s a great platform to practice building social grace around your knowledge and experience while beginning to build stronger bonds across your network. You’ll be rewarded with every good point you make and you’ll be appreciated for reinforcing someone else’s contributions as well.

There is good value in commenting someone else’s status update or comment. Often times you’ll be able to rephrase the context more succinctly or drive home a critical point that changes the angle or perspective just enough to shine light on your industry or vertical. (How this may be important to you and your network)

“Like” is not a long term commitment, you don’t have to worry about overstepping any social boundaries. Take the lead and do your part to make your network valuable to everyone including and especially you.

This is a complicated enough world and we all have an important contribution to offer. The tools and resources are available like never before to participate rather than spectate. Like it or Not.
Cheers to the Future.

Rob Segall